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Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day!

Here are some simple ways we can celebrate Earth Day. Every day we should take care of the beautiful earth God gave us. Today is a good day to start if you haven’t already gone green.

  • Plant your own fruit and vegetable garden
  • Make an energy-saving plan for your household
  • Set up a recycling station in your home
  • Go on a walk through the park, nature hike, or visit your city garden
  • Volunteer to pick up trash at a park
  • Plant a tree
  • Put a birdbath or bird feeder in your yard
  • Or make your own old fashion bird feeder (pine cone, peanut butter, bird seed, string)

Make today a new beginning.

Too Busy To Volunteer?

If you’re like me and you work full time in addition to being actively involved in other organizations and hobbies, you might find it especially hard to find the time to dedicate to your community. Now that I just recently moved to Jacksonville for my promotion, I have been searching for places in the area that are looking for volunteers. A lot of the organizations I’m finding require a background check, interview, drug test, training sessions, etc. And I want badly to give back to the community, but…I just don’t have time during the day to get that stuff done! And on my days off, I just need to relax because of how hectic work here gets. So what can I do at MY CONVENIENCE, to give back to the community? Here are some ideas I found that I liked a lot. The best part about it is that they don’t require me to have to go to several different locations at specific times on specific days to get my hours in. I am in control of when, where, and how. And I can still feel just as good about myself afterward because I know I dedicated time, money, and effort into it. I love volunteering because of how rewarded I feel afterward. Just to know that you possibly made someone else’s day who is less fortunate…feels awesome.


  • Set up an informational display for a local library or rec center (drug-free, smoke-free, girl power, why college, family time, voting, etc.)
  • Write letters of inspiration/get-well cards to sick children, elderly, etc.
  • Set up a Sunday car wash during “after-church” hours to donate the money to a local charity
  • Clean up trash during/after community events, at parks, etc.
  • Set up an art exhibit at a local business, school, hospital, nursing home, etc.
  • Pick up change in parking lots and donate the money to a local charity
  • Make Easter baskets/get-well-soon packages for nursing homes, children’s hospitals, etc.
  • Create a flyer about going green and send to local businesses
  • Create a recycling contest at church and give the winner a prize or at a school and give the winning class a pizza party
  •  Tutor children or adults in your free time – in writing, English, math, etc.

There are hundreds of more ideas here! —>
They have categories you might find more interesting depending on your personal experiences, such as crime and safety, animal protection, improving the neighborhood, and government policy.

Each one, reach one.

